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To leave Future Generations a Greener, Healthier Planet by utilizing our extensive Profitable, Scalable, Internationally Patented Hydrogen on Demand product line to Reduce Greenhouse Gases, and Particulate Matter in a Clean, Sustainable way.

Vision Statement

To install Innovative Hydrogen Solutions’ Hydrogen on Demand, Patented, Electrolyzer’ i-PhiTM on commercial internal combustion engines used in the Mining, Oil & Gas, Transportation, Stationary Power, Military and Marine Markets, resulting in reduced fuel consumption, lower Greenhouse Gases, elimination of particulate matter while embedding IHS as a leader in the developing Hydrogen Economy.
Innovative Hydrogen Systems
Innovative Hydrogen Team

Innovative Hydrogen Solutions

Innovative Hydrogen Solutions was founded with the goal of developing and commercializing cutting-edge hydrogen based energy and power solutions that improve the performance of internal combustion engines. IHS to date has a compelling product, i-Phi™ - poised for introduction in large, existing global markets.

Over time, our vision and scope has expanded as we recognized emerging opportunities across industries such as Mining, Marine, Rail, Bus Transportation, Power Generation and Construction. While much has changed since Innovative Hydrogen Solutions inception, we continue to believe our biggest competitive advantage is the ability to provide value-added hydrogen on demand technology for a cleaner environment.

Board of Directors

Team Member
Peter McLaughlin

Chairman, Director, Independant

Team Member
Joseph C. Williams

President, Director

Team Member
Ronald J. Bogart

Chief Financial Officer, Director


Team Member
Joseph C. Williams


Team Member
Ronald J. Bogart

Chief Financial Officer

Team Member
David Pacheco

Executive Vice President, Engineering

Team Member
Arne Lean

Senior Vice President

Team Member
Timothy Wardle

Vice President, Operations

Team Member
Stan Gerynowicz

Plant manager

Our People make the difference.

Our leadership steers Innovative Hydrogen Solutions in the direction of a green future.

Special Advisor


Dr. Emmanuel Noel Moya


Dr. Moya provides engineering consulting services to IHS and has authored several patents and papers on hydrogen on demand and the characteristics of combustion enhancement, including: Improved Combustion in Gasoline/Diesel/Propane fed Internal Combustion Engine using partial Hydrogen from tap water and Nitrogen from Atmospheric Air. Removal of Toxic Gases from Internal Combustion Engine’s Exhaust, USA/EPA January 2005.
Make money while going green

Make money while going green

Utilize I-Phi™ to generate operating savings and ongoing revenue through Carbon Credits

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Make money while going green